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FOCUS ON RUSSIA The Attitude of Russian Citizens Toward the Main Contradictions in Their SocietyI. Dudin “Green Guardians”: Attitudes of Russian Conservatives to Environmental ProblemsA. Scherbak, N. Zubarev, E. Semushkina Collective Behavior Models in Russia: Past and FutureYa. Mirkin ESSAYS The Fate of “Grand Theories” in EconomicsV. Avtonomov Health in Old Age: Stereotypes and Objective […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Investigating the Spiritual and Moral State of Russian SocietyG. Bessokirnaya, O. Bolshakova, T. Karakhanova Do Recent Russian Collective Consciousness Data Signal an Extraordinary Situation or a New Cycle?Yu. Latov Entrepreneurship in the Russian Agricultural SectorM. Mukhanova ESSAYS Why Does Science Need Surplus Knowledge?A. Antonovski Anthropological Turn of Virtue Ethics: The Revival of […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Traditions and Innovations in the Development Policy of Rural Territories in Russia: The Potential of CossacksE. Morozova, I. Miroshnichenko Worldview Specifics of Supporters of the Western Path of Development for Russia in Mass Population StrataN. Tikhonova National Network of Academic Journals as a System: Problems Before and After SanctionsE. Semenov ESSAYS On […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Gaining Certainty in Our Own Past: Russian Identity and the Politics of Memory at a New Crossroads (FREE content!)D. Efremenko Evaluating the Impact of Population Policy on the Birth Rate in RussiaE. Kolbina Russia’s Science Policy, 2018-2020: Mixed SignalsI. Dezhina Trends in the Development of the Social Group of the Self-Employed in […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA “Adult” Youth in the Contemporary Social Space of RussiaL. Belyaeva Adaptation Strategies of Opponents and Supporters of the Special Military Operation (Based on Residents of Samara Province) (FREE content!)V. Zvonovsky, A. Khodykin Construction of Identity in Russia’s Muslim Regions in the Context of the Emerging All-Russian IdentityYu. Pochta ESSAYS The Historical Memory […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russians’ Ideas About Russia’s Possible Development Paths: Prevalence and SpecificityP. Sushko Resource Potential of Precarious Employees in RussiaA. Temnitskiy The “New” Russian North: A Historical Province Facing Social and Political ProblemsY. Shabaev ESSAYS Platform Expansion as a Challenge to Sociology (Read this article online for FREE)V. Radaev Autonomy Plus Heterodoxy: On the […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russian National-Civic Identity Through the Lens of History, Culture, and Socio-Political LifeP. Fadeev Governing Emptiness, or Features of Power Relations in Russia’s Inter-Settlement Territories L. Bliakher, K. Grigorichev, I. Peshkov ESSAYS Socio-Political Dynamics in the Age of Global Crisis: Civilizational BackgroundV. Lapkin Cancel Culture in World Politics: Historical and Philosophical Roots (Read this […]
In This Issue FOCUS ON RUSSIA Civic Activism of Generations in Modern Russian Society R. Parma Social Health of Russian Society: Trends in Demographic and Criminal Statistics M. Morev ESSAYS Russia and India: Challenges and Prospects for Cooperation A. Kupriyanov South Asian Migration to Western Europe: Origins, Trends, Perspectives A. Volodin Can an Economic Agent […]
In This Issue FOCUS ON RUSSIA European and National Identity in the Perceptions of Modern Russian Youth: The Case of St. PetersburgE. Viktorova, D. Petrenko, N. Vlasova, E. Shishkina Poverty of Russian Professionals: Scale, Causes, TrendsN. Tikhonova E. Slobodenyuk ESSAYS Rivalry Between “Great Powers” in the 21st Century: Discourse and Approaches in RussiaK. Borishpolets Afghanistan […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Civilizational Features of Russia’s Development in the Context of Modern Social TransformationsV. Pantin Institutional Trust as Social Capital in Modern Russia (Based on Survey Results)Yu. Latov ESSAYS Post-Soviet De Facto States: Trajectories of Their Struggle for SovereigntyS. Markedonov Thirty Years of Reforms: The Experience of Petrostates in the Post-Soviet SpaceS. Zhavoronkov, V. […]