POLITICS National Interests of South Korea in the ArcticM. Gutenev May the Idea of a Common Destiny Community for China and Humanity Light the World!Li Hui Stepping Up Russian-Japanese Dialogue on the Territorial IssueO. Kazakov Japan and China: New Era in Relations or Rapprochement of Convenience?V. Kistanov Current Foreign Policy of the PRCV. Portyakov After […]
This article analyzes development prospects of relations between Russia and Japan as Japanese diplomacy toward Russia becomes more active. In May 2016, Prime Minister S. Abe put forward an eight-point cooperation program. More than 100 economic agreements have been signed within the framework of that program; however, most of them have not been implemented. The author examines the reasons for failure of these bilateral relations to develop.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Russians on the Correlation Between the Interests of the State and Human Rights. An Empirical AnalysisN. Tikhonova Aging Trajectories of Women in Modern Russia I. Grigoryeva, I. Sizova Challenges to the Social Sciences and Humanities in Russia A. Torkunov ESSAYS Philosophical Theory of Knowledge: Is Its Future in Question?Z. Sokuler (De)Construction of Identities and […]
POLITICS The Maldives Crisis in Chinese-Indian Relations: Causes and ConsequencesA. Kupriyanov Russia and Japan: Asymmetry of InterestsV. Kuzminkov Vietnam’s Current Approaches to Settling Disputes in the South China SeaYe. Narkhova Outlines of Security for the Greater Eurasian PartnershipV. Petrovsky The Silk Road Economic Belt Project and Security in Central AsiaYe. Safronova The RIC Format 20 […]
This article analyzes the structure and dynamics of raw materials and commodities exports from the Siberian Federal District to the PRC. It focuses on the branch and geographic specificities of the foreign trade activity of individual parts of Siberia. Special attention is paid to the foreign trade policy of the PRC in the sphere of imports, particularly from Russian regions.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Transformations of Welfare Policy and Discourse on Social Justice in RussiaYe. Danilova Russian Workers through the Prism of Human Capital TheoryN. Latova Import Replacement Cannot Be a Long-Term StrategyB. Kheyfets, V. Chernova The Industry of Russia’s Northern Regions after Anti-Russian SanctionsK. Pavlov, V. Selin ESSAYS Has There Really Been Sociocultural Convergence Between […]
POLITICS The First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress of China and Constitutional AmendmentsA. Vinogradov, P. Troshchinsky Donald Trump’s Policy: Create a New Bloc in AsiaG. Lokshin Russia, China, and the North Korean Nuclear ProblemYu. Morozov The Beijing Consensus in International and Domestic Chinese Political DiscourseA. Vinogradov, D. Degterev, D. Spirina, A. Trusova ECONOMICS […]
This article analyzes Japan’s policy in the basin of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The term “Indo-Pacific Region” is more often used in scientific circles and mass media now instead of Asia-Pacific Region, which reflects the radical economic and political shifts in the basin of the two oceans.
FOCUS ON RUSSIA The Wiping Out of History: What Is Left of the Revolutionary Myth?L. Gudkov, N. Zorkaya State Assignments for Scientific WorkA. Gusev, A. Ladny, Ye. Beloklokov, M. Yurevich POST-SOVIET SOCIETIES Between the State and the Nation: Dilemmas of Identity Politics in Post-Soviet SocietiesI. Semenenko, V. Lapkin, A. Bardin, V. Pantin ESSAYS Ethics and […]
IN MEMORIAM Sergei L. Tikhvinsky, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (09.01.1918 – 02.24.2018) RAS IFES ROUND TABLE RAS IFES Round Table on APEC 2017: Possibilities of Regional Development (Review)V. Mazyrin POLITICS Japan’s Indo-Pacific Strategy as a Means of Containing ChinaV. Kistanov Japan’s Parliamentary Elections of 2017: Coming Full Circle, or a New […]