The article views corruption as an integral feature and engine of the Russian economy. The main causes of corruption are linked to the nature of Russian privatization, the existing mechanisms of government appointments and career growth, and the lack of control over resources in the implementation of economic policies.
The paper examines the position of the Republic China consulates in the Soviet Union in 1937-1938. During the Great Terror period. Chinese consulates found themselves in an ambiguous position.
POLITICS Chinese Business in Russia and Its Prospective Role in One Belt, One Road Initiative A. Afonasyeva Chinese-German Relations: Striving toward a Model A. Galimzyanova China’s “Soft Power” and the BRICS Countries E. Shirgazina ECONOMICS Impact of Sanctions on North Korean Trade and Economy G. Bulychev, I. Korgun Belt and Road 2.0 Initiative and Russia B. Heifetz, N. Stepanov THEORY […]
This article considers the countries of the so-called “Big Three” and the relations among them today. An attempt is made to predict the places and roles of the three countries in reworking the world order, based on the views they hold and features of the existing and future world order. Recommendations are made for their optimization and building harmonious relations capable of establishing a durable and long-lasting peace.
CONTENTS A History of Ups and Downs: The 140th Anniversary of the Establishment of Russian-Bulgarian Diplomatic RelationsSergey Lavrov EDITOR-IN-CHIEF INTERVIEWS “Expanding Our Country’s Circle of Friends Has Been Our Main Goal”Eleonora Mitrofanova WORLD ISSUES NATO’s Military Activity in the North AtlanticYu. Belobrov The EU in Search of ItselfV. Chernega Germany and China: From Cooperation to […]
ROUND TABLE AT THE RAS IFES Topical Problems of Present-Day Russian-Chinese Relations POLITICS China and Problems of Reaching a Peace Settlement in AfghanistanN. Zamarayeva ECONOMICS Solar Power Engineering in China and JapanV. Akimova, I. Tikhotskaya The Chinese Planning System at PresentD. Lebedeva HISTORY Russia’s Eastern Expansion at the Turn of the 20th Century and its […]
FOCUS ON RUSSIA Young Intellectuals: Why Are They Leaving Russia And Do They Plan to Come Back?L. Borusyak The Russian Far North: Trumph over Spatial Inequality Or Expulsion from the Socio-Economic Order?T. Lytkina, A. Smirnov Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and North African CountriesS. Volkov, A. Tkachenko ESSAYS Making Progress Horizontally: Current Practices of […]
The dispute between the United States and the People’s Republic of China over trade and economic issues has a long history. It has now become clear, however, that Donald Trump’s protectionist policy is in direct contrast to China’s consistent position in defense of free trade, based on the principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Washington sees in Beijing its main strategic competitor and has adopted a policy of long-term opposition to China in all spheres, including trade and economics. Having launched a trade war against China, the United States is also doing its best to weaken by noneconomic means their growing competition in the field of high technology.
ROUND TABLE AT THE RAS IFES Vietnam-China Relations: A Difficult Search for Agreement POLITICS Relations in the Sino-Korean TriangleK. Asmolov ON THE 40th ANNIVERSARY OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN THE U.S.A. AND PRC Ideology and Pragmatism in Establishing and Strengthening Sino-American ConnectionsA. Davydov Toward a History of the Establishment of Present-Day U.S.A.-China RelationsYu. Dubinin Trade Wars, […]
This article describes the formation and development of South Korea’s Arctic strategy. The author concludes that as compared to other Asian observers on the Arctic Council, South Korea has greater potential to develop successful national diplomacy. The country is gradually creating a favorable image and consolidating its political status as a world ecological intermediary implementing a progressive policy of sustainable development.