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Xinhua: “A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Wednesday [March 29] lashed out at the US egregiously conniving at and supporting “Taiwan independence” separatists in regard to Taiwan leader’s so-called stopover in the country, urging the US side to stop all forms of official interaction with Taiwan.”
Xinhua: “Since the escalation of the Ukraine crisis, the US has churned out fallacies to discredit China on a range of related issues and mislead the international community.”
Roshchin: Ukraine war has upended the international collective security system; now new compromises, roles are required to restore it.
Guo: “Washington, by prolonging the conflict, can weaken Russia and force Europe to further rely on the US in security matters so that it can consolidate its hegemony.”
Living up to the epithet of “surveillance empire,” the United State has, for decades, conducted indiscriminate mass surveillance of foreign governments, companies and individuals as well as its own citizens.
Military-civilian integration has been a consistent national strategy in China in recent years. The combining of military and civilian resources is aimed primarily at creating an effective system of innovation in science, technology, and manufacturing.
A Chinese civilian unmanned airship unintendedly entered US airspace last week due to force majeure and was shot down by the US military on Saturday [Feb. 4]. For days, US politicians and media have hyped up this incident, claiming it was a spy in the sky. Is this a part of China’s surveillance program or an accidental incident overplayed by US politicians and media to smear China? Here are the facts that People’s Daily Online has collected.
Golts: Gerasimov’s appointment as SMO commander speaks to archaic structure of Russian military.
Analyst Nikolai Mitrokhin: Viktor Medvedchuk’s arrest played key role in Putin starting war; Russia, Ukraine prepared for different wars; Moscow failed to anticipate Kiev’s readiness; shift from security aims to land grab undermines Russian borders
Dmitry Medvedev looks back on the past year and forward to the next.