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Chinese Ambassador to the US Xie Feng has called for upholding the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation when dealing with the bilateral ties.
Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: “What is happening in the Middle East shows that we have lost our humanity,”
China’s UN envoy: “We reaffirm our opposition to unilateral coercive measures and call on imposing states to immediately and completely cease such practice,”
Mitrokhin: Attacks on childfree lifestyle prove elite has no confidence in own ideology.
Remchukov: ‘Putin is here to stay’ until tension with West resolved; broad geopolitical deal is his priority – territorial aims are more modest.
Guetta: Fearing the unknown, Western states ‘doomed themselves to helplessness’ by failing to force settlement solutions in both Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine confrontations.
With the arrival of the World Food Day 2024, the global hunger crisis continues to cast a dark shadow over progress, with alarming statistics showing that hunger levels have remained distressingly high for the third year in a row.
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday [Oct. 2] said that he stands ready to work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to take the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties to continue expanding all-round practical cooperation.
NG: Netanyahu’s speech to Iranians sounds like prelude to invasion, but identifies gap between state, people; they will rally if IDF bombs them.
Gozman: Do not read Putin’s threats literally, but they are psychologically “preparing both us and himself” for eventual nuclear strikes.