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LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Of Conflicts and Contradictions FEATURED NEWS STORIES Moscow, Kiev Move Closer to the Brink (Read an article from this feature for FREE) THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Ryklin: Generals Patrushev and Zolotov Remind Russians to Keep Silent or Face Consequences Chechnya Peskov Fields Journalists’ Questions About Investigation Into Kadyrov’s Wealth OTHER POST-SOVIET […]
Pukhov: Moscow’s readiness and determination to use military force to defend its interests are the main lever of influence on Ukraine, and the main means of forcing peace on Kiev.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 15
Yin: Guided by Xi’s thought on ecological progress, China has applied a new vision for development and made solid steps in promoting green, low-carbon and sustainable development.
POLITICS & CULTURE Politics Xi Stresses Development in Border Ethnic Regions Hard Work a Key Reason for China’s Success State & Law China Streamlines IPR-Related Administration China Pushes Development of IPR Protection Society China Expects May Day Travel Boom Hong Kong LegCo President Confident in Efficient Legislature Xinjiang Reckoning of Justice Awaits Slanderer Adrian Zenz […]
This article notes that Washington and Tokyo intend to continue hindering Taiwan’s reunification with Mainland China, which would greatly strengthen Beijing’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the United States notably stepped up its support for Taiwan, in both expanding its official ties with Taipei and supplying it with American arms.
POLITICS Russia and China in the “World Disorder” of the 21st Century: Is an Alliance Rational?A. Davydov Taiwan’s Place in the US and Japanese Conflict with China (Read this article online for FREE)I. Gordeyeva ECONOMICS South Korea’s Trade with the Countries of Central Asia in the 21st CenturyL. Kupina Russia’s Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries […]
LETTER FROM THE EDITORS A Bitter (or Spicy) Pill to Swallow FEATURED NEWS STORIES Donetsk Basin Ceasefire at Risk After Violations (Read an article from this feature for FREE) Navalny Calls Hunger Strike as Health Worsens THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Politics Kremlin Spokesman Peskov Discusses Russia-US Ties, Ukraine, Russia’s Internet Legislation Putin Stresses Need for Interethnic […]
Ryklin: Buildup of Russian military on Ukraine’s border has West on edge, but Putin would need a swift, decisive victory for any military incursion into Ukraine to pay off.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, Letter From the Editors, Volume 73, Number 14