At the outset of the 1991 coup attempt by conservative hardliners, the leaders of the coup decreed a “temporary limit” on the publication of all central and Moscow newspapers, save for a handful of those obviously sympathetic to the putshchists. The Coup: Underground Moscow Newspapers presents a chronological compilation of rare newspapers published underground during the period of August 19-21, 1991. To our knowledge, these newspapers represent a complete collection of what was published during what has been called the “three days that shook the world.”
This exceptionally rare collection consists of facsimile reprints of actual editions of these papers, all but a few of which were published originally on office copy machines using whatever paper was at hand. The editions presented in this book are identical to the originals – there have been no deletions or additions of any kind. This collection is arranged in chronological order in three sections, which correspond to each day of the attempted coup.
– first issue (evening)
Megapolis Express
– first issue (evening)
Moskovskie novosti
– first issue (morning)
– second issue (evening)
Moskovskii komsomolets
– first issue (evening)
– first issue (morning)
– second issue (evening)
– third issue (evening)
– fourth issue (evening)
– fifth issue (evening)
– sixth issue (evening)
Rossiiskie vesti
– first issue (morning)
– second issue (evening)
– only issue
– second issue (morning)
– third issue (evening)
Megapolis Express
– second issue (morning)
– third issue (evening)
– fourth issue (evening)
Moskovskie novosti
– third issue (morning)
– fourth issue (evening)
– fifth issue (morning)
Moskovskii komsomolets
– second issue (evening)
Obshchaia gazeta
– only issue
– 7th-13th issues (morning)
– 14th-24th issues (evening)
Rossiiskaia gazeta
– first issue (morning)
– second issue (evening)
Rossiiskie vesti
– third issue (morning)
– fourth issue (evening)
– fourth issue (morning)
– fifth issue (evening)
Megapolis Express
– fifth issue (morning)
– sixth issue (evening)
– seventh issue (evening)
Moskovskie novosti
– sixth issue
Moskovskii komsomolets
– third issue (evening)
Nezavisimaia gazeta
– only issue
– 25th-28th issues (morning)
– 29th-38th issues (evening)
Rossiiskaia gazeta
– third issue (morning)
– fourth issue (evening)
Rossiiskie vesti
– fifth issue (morning)
– sixth issue (evening)