Russia’s Relations With the Korean Peninsula States in the New Reality

I. Dyachkov

The Nationality Factor in Chinese-Mongolian Relations

R. Tarantul

Chinese Policy in Latin America: Lessons and Risks for Spain

M. Pupysheva, M. Navdayeva


The Expediency of Creating a Supranational Currency Within the SCO and BRICS Under the Impact of Trade and Sanctions Restrictions

N. Stepanov

China’s Growth Factors and Economic Development Model

M. Potapov


The Perry and Putyatin Expeditions to Japan Amid the Struggle for Colonies in the North Pacific in the Mid-19th Century

A. Petrov, A. Saprykina

The Diplomatic Agency of the Russian Empire in Mukden (1901-1904) and the Work of Diplomat S.A. Kolokolov

Ye. Starovoytova


Contribution of the Chinese Military-Industrial Complex to the “Made in China 2025” State Plan (FREE Content!)

V. Zamorin


On the Linguistic Preferences of Chinese Leaders

O. Zavyalova